Element e Felletseng ea ho futhumatsa

  • Element e Felletseng ea ho futhumatsa

    Element e Felletseng ea ho futhumatsa

    Ho fapana le ntho e tloaelehileng, e leng makhetlo a 2 ho isa ho a 3 bophahamo ba radius, lisebelisoa tse futhumatsang tse koahetsoeng li koahela mapheoana a tšepe holim'a ntho e tloaelehileng. Sena se eketseha haholo ho fapana le ntho e tloaelehileng, e leng makhetlo a 2 ho isa ho a 3 bophahamo ba radius, licheso tsa moea tse feliloeng li koahela mapheoana a tšepe holim'a ntho e tloaelehileng. Sena se eketseha haholo.

  • U-shape Finned Tubular Heater

    U-shape Finned Tubular Heater

    U shape finned heater e na le leqeba le mapheoana a tšepe holim'a ntho e tloaelehileng. Ha ho bapisoa le ntho e tloaelehileng ea ho futhumatsa, sebaka sa ho qhala mocheso se atolosoa ka makhetlo a 2 ho isa ho a 3, ke hore, matla a lumelloang holim'a matla a karolo ea fin ke 3. ho makhetlo a 4 ho feta ntho e tloaelehileng.

  • 2500W Fin Heating Element Air Heater

    2500W Fin Heating Element Air Heater

    Fin Heating Element Air Heater e finyella ho qhala ha mocheso ka ho eketsa mapheoana a spiral a sa khaotseng a behiloeng holim'a li-tubes tse tloaelehileng tsa ho futhumatsa. Radiator e eketsa haholo sebaka se ka holim'a metsi 'me e lumella ho fetisetsa ka potlako moeeng, kahoo e fokotsa mocheso oa likarolo tse ka holim'a metsi. solvents and process solutions, thepa e qhibilihisitsoeng, moea le likhase. Sehlahisoa se futhumatsang moea se entsoe ka thepa ea tšepe e sa hloekang, e ka sebelisoang ho futhumatsa ntho efe kapa efe, joalo ka oli, moea kapa tsoekere.

  • Heater ea Tube e Fentsoeng

    Heater ea Tube e Fentsoeng

    Finned Tube Heater standar shape have single tube, U shape, W shape, other special shapes can be customized as required.The finned heat element element power and voltage can be designed.

  • Air Tubular Finned Strip Heater

    Air Tubular Finned Strip Heater

    JINGWEI Heater e 'nile ea sebetsa ka ho khetheha tlhahisong ea mocheso oa mocheso oa moea oa tubular finned strip ka lilemo tse fetang 20' me ke e mong oa bahlahisi ba ka sehloohong le ba fanang ka thepa ea lifuthumatsi tsa fan finned indastering. Re na le botumo bo botle ba boleng ba rona bo phahameng, ts'ebetso e tšepahalang le ho tšoarella. Haeba u thahasella, ka kōpo ikutloe u lokolohile ho ikopanya le rona.

  • Feme e Feliloeng ea Li-heaters tsa Tubular

    Feme e Feliloeng ea Li-heaters tsa Tubular

    Jingwei heater ke feme ea heater ea tubular ea profeshenale, e ka kenngoa ka har'a likotopo tse butsoitseng kapa linakong tse ling tsa ho futhumatsa moea. E entsoe ka leqeba la mapheo ka holim'a bokantle ba tube ea ho futhumatsa bakeng sa ho qhala mocheso.

  • Cold Room Defrost Motlakase Finned Heating Tube

    Cold Room Defrost Motlakase Finned Heating Tube

    Motlakase o nang le maqeba a ho futhumatsa o entsoe ka foreimi ea poleiti e nang le perforated le peipi e khanyang, 'me ke e' ngoe ea lisebelisoa tse sebelisoang ka ho fetisisa tsa ho futhumatsa moea bakeng sa ho futhumatsa moea oa indasteri. Hangata e sebelisoa ha mokelikeli o ka lehlakoreng le leng o le khatellong e phahameng kapa mocheso o fetisang mocheso o le moholo ho feta pheletsong e 'ngoe.

  • Element e Tloaelehileng ea Tubular Heating Element

    Element e Tloaelehileng ea Tubular Heating Element

    Ntho e futhumatsang ea tubular e feliloeng e sebelisa mokhoa oa ho etsa matsoelintsoeke, 'me sebaka se hokahaneng pakeng tsa lepheo la mahlaseli le phaephe ea mahlaseli e kholo ebile e tiile, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e ntle le e tsitsitseng ea phetisetso ea mocheso. Moea o fetang ho hanyetsa o monyenyane, mouoane kapa metsi a chesang a phalla ka phala ea tšepe, 'me mocheso o fetisetsoa moeeng o fetang ka mapheoana ka mapheo a thata leqeba holim'a phala ea tšepe ho finyella phello ea ho futhumatsa le ho pholisa moea.

  • Indasteri ea Motlakase Finned Strip Heater

    Indasteri ea Motlakase Finned Strip Heater

    Mofuthu oa moea o entsoeng ka tšepe o entsoeng ka tšepe ea boleng bo phahameng, e fetotsoeng ea protactinium oxide phofo, terata ea motlakase e thibelang mocheso o phahameng, sink ea mocheso ea tšepe e sa hloekang le lisebelisoa tse ling, tse entsoeng ka lisebelisoa tse tsoetseng pele tsa tlhahiso le theknoloji, 'me li fetile taolong ea boleng bo thata.

  • Fin Tube Air Heater

    Fin Tube Air Heater

    Sebopeho sa Fin Tube Air Heater se ka etsoa ho latela litlhoko tsa bareki, sebopeho se tloaelehileng se na le tube e le 'ngoe, tube e habeli, sebopeho sa U, sebopeho sa W joalo-joalo.

  • China SS304 Strip Finned Tubular Heater

    China SS304 Strip Finned Tubular Heater

    The Strip Finned Tubular Heater e sebelisoa bakeng sa ateel 304 e sa hloekang 'me sebopeho se ka etsoa staright, sebopeho sa U, sebopeho sa U, le mefuta e meng e khethehileng.

  • Stainless Steel OEM Tubular Finned Heater

    Stainless Steel OEM Tubular Finned Heater

    The OEM finned tubular heater size and shape e ka etsoa e le litlhoko tsa moreki, sebopeho sa finned element se na le tube e otlolohileng e le 'ngoe, tube e otlolohileng habeli, sebopeho sa U, sebopeho sa W, kapa sebopeho se seng sa tloaelo.Volate ke 110-380V.

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