Mofuthu oa Crankcase

  • Cheap Heating Belt Crankcase Heater

    Cheap Heating Belt Crankcase Heater

    Bophara ba lebanta la heater ea compressor crankcase ke 14mm (bophara ba heater ea setšoantšo), re boetse re na le 20mm, 25mm, le 30mm lebanta bophara. Bolelele ba lebanta bo ka etsoa ka mokhoa o hlokahalang.

  • Silicone Rubber Crank Case Band Heater

    Silicone Rubber Crank Case Band Heater

    Thepa ea "crank case band heater row" ke rabara ea silicone, bophara ba lebanta ke 14mm, 20mm, 25mm le 30mm, bolelele ba lebanta bo ka etsoa ho latela litlhoko tsa moreki.

  • Silicone Crank Case Heater Element Factory bakeng sa Compressor

    Silicone Crank Case Heater Element Factory bakeng sa Compressor

    JINGWEI heater ke China Crank Case Heater Element Factory, bophara ba heater ea crankcase e na le 14mm, 20mm, 25mm, le 30mm. Bolelele ba lebanta bo ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng e le pherimitha ea komporo ea hau, tsela ea ho kenya ke ka selemo.

  • Rabara ea Silicone ea China Crankcase Heater

    Rabara ea Silicone ea China Crankcase Heater

    The China crankcase hitara bophara ka etsoa 14mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, joalo-joalo.The silicone futhumatsang lebanta le ka sebelisoa bakeng sa air-conditioner compressor kapa cooler fan cylinder defrosting.The crankcase heater lebanta bolelele ka customized e le litlhoko tsa moreki.

  • Air Conditioning Compressor Crankcase Heater Belt

    Air Conditioning Compressor Crankcase Heater Belt

    The compressor crankcase heater lebanta bolelele e ka customized e le litlhoko tsa moreki, 'me bophara ba lebanta re na 14mm le 20mm.Mofuthu oa crankcase o kenngoa ke selemo, terata ea lead e ka etsoa 1000-2500mm, bolelele bo tloaelehileng ke 1000mm.

  • Compressor Heating Belt bakeng sa Air Conditioner

    Compressor Heating Belt bakeng sa Air Conditioner

    The Compressor Heating Belt e sebelisoa bakeng sa crankcase ea air conditioner, lebanta la hitara ea crankcase re na le 14mm le 20mm, bolelele ba lebanta bo ka etsoa ho latela circumference ea Crankcase ea hau.

  • Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor

    Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor

    The compressor crankcase heater wide re na le 14mm,20mm,25mm,30mm,har'a tsona, 14mm le 20mm khetha ho sebelisa batho ba bangata.Bolelele ba hitara ea crankcase bo ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng joalo ka litlhoko tsa moreki.

  • Sefuthumatsi sa "Silicone Crankcase" se nang le likarolo tse 'nè

    Sefuthumatsi sa "Silicone Crankcase" se nang le likarolo tse 'nè

    Bophara ba silicone crancase heater bo na le 14mm, 20mm, 25mm, joalo-joalo Bophara bo tloaelehileng ke 14mm mme bolelele bo ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng e le litlhoko tsa bareki.

  • Wholesale Silicone Heating Belt Compressor Crankcase Heater

    Wholesale Silicone Heating Belt Compressor Crankcase Heater

    Compressor crankcase heater haholo-holo e entsoe ka terata e futhumatsang ea motlakase ea alloy le rabara ea silicon, e futhumatsa mocheso o potlakileng o ts'oanang le mocheso o matla, ho bonolo ho sebelisa bophelo bo bolelele, ha ho bonolo ho tsofala.

    Lebanta la ho futhumatsa la silicone le ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng joalo ka litlhoko tsa moreki, bophara boo re nang le bona 14mm, 20mm, 25mm, kapa bophara bo boholo.

  • 120V Silicone Rabara Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Air Condition

    120V Silicone Rabara Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Air Condition

    Mosebetsi oa heater ea silicone ea rabara ea crankcase ke ho felisa ho qala ka oli e batang le ho eketsa nako ea bophelo ba compressor.
    Mofuthu oa Jingwei o na le mefuta e mengata e tloaelehileng ea liheater bakeng sa li-compressor le crankcase, mohlala, bakeng sa lipompo tsa mocheso ka bobeli ka moralo o nang le thapo ea ho futhumatsa karolong ea aluminium, hammoho le lihitara tsa silicon. Hape re ka fana ka bolelele le litekanyo tse ling.
    E mamella mocheso ho tloha ho -50°C ho isa ho 200°C. Li-heaters tsa silicone tsa crankcase li fanoa ka mochini oa li-coil bakeng sa sehokelo ho potoloha crankcase ea compressor.

  • 14mm Silicone Belt Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor

    14mm Silicone Belt Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor

    Mosebetsi o ka sehloohong oa lebanta la heater ea compressor crankcase ke ho thibela oli ho tiisa mocheso o tlase. Nakong ea serame kapa tabeng ea ho koala mocheso o tlaase, oli e bonolo ho tiisa, e leng se etsang hore ho potoloha ha crankshaft ha ho fetohe, ho ama ho qala le ho sebetsa ha mochine. Lebanta la ho futhumatsa le ka thusa ho boloka mocheso ka har'a crankcase, e le hore oli e be boemong ba mokelikeli, e le ho etsa bonnete ba ho qala le ho sebetsa ha mochine ho tloaelehileng.

  • Silicone Rubber Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor

    Silicone Rubber Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor

    Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor e loketse mefuta eohle ea crankcase indastering ea moea le sehatsetsing, karolo ea mantlha ea lebanta le futhumatsang la compressor ke ho thibela compressor ho hlahisa khatello ea metsi nakong ea ho qala le ts'ebetso, ho qoba motsoako oa sehatsetsi. le oli e leqhoa, ha mocheso o theoha, sehatsetsi se tla qhibiliha ka har'a oli e hatselitsoeng ka potlako, e le hore sehatsetsi sa khase se kopane. ka phaepheng 'me e bokelloa ka mokhoa oa mokelikeli ka har'a crankcase, joalo ka ka tlase ho Ha e sa kenyelelitsoe, e ka baka ho hloleha ha konpresser lubrication, ea senya crankcase le molamu o kopanyang. Haholo-holo e kenngoa ka tlaase ho compressor ea unit ea ka ntle ea air conditioner e bohareng.