Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor

Tlhaloso e Khutšoanyane:

The compressor crankcase hitara bophara re na 14mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, har'a bona, 14mm le 20mm khetha ho sebelisa batho ba bangata.Bolelele ba mocheso oa crankcase bo ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng e le litlhoko tsa moreki.

Lintlha tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-tag tsa Sehlahisoa

Li-Paramenters tsa Lihlahisoa

Lebitso la Portduct Crankcase Heater bakeng sa Compressor
Lintho tse bonahalang Rabara ea silicone
Bophara 14mm, 20mm, 25mm, joalo-joalo.
Bolelele ba lebanta Customized
Bolelele ba terata e etellang pele 1000mm, kapa tloaelo.
Palo ea li-volts 12V-230V
Matla Customized
Matla a hanyetsanang le metsi 2,000V/min (mocheso o tloaelehileng oa metsi)
Insulated resistance ka metsing 750MOhm
Sebelisa Mofuthu oa crankcase
Mohlala oa terminal Customized
Setifikeiti CE
Sephutheloana heater e le 'ngoe e nang le mokotla o le mong
Thelebanta la ho futhumatsa crankcasee sebelisoa haholo-holo bakeng sa compressor air conditioner, the drain pipe defrosting and air cooler.The bophara ka khetha 14mm, 20mm, 25mm, joalo-joalo.

Tlhophiso ea Sehlahisoa

Likarolong tse nang le mocheso o tlase, ka lebaka la phapang ea khatello ka mor'a hore konpresser e koaloe, sehatsetsi se ka har'a pipeline le tsamaiso butle-butle se fallela tanka ea oli ea konpresser ebe e stratifies le oli, kahoo e emisa compressor.Ha konpresser e qala ka tšohanyetso, sehatsetsi se evaporating vortex se tla tšela oli ka har'a kompressor, e leng se bakang khaello ea oli kapa ts'oaetso ea metsi.Tšisinyeho ea nako e khuts'oane ea oli ea compressor e tla baka ho beleha, esita le hona joale eddy maemong a boima.Ka hona, ho kgothaletswa ho hlomella compressor ka alebanta la ho futhumatsa crankcase.

Crankcase e futhumatsang lebantakhetho: 70W e khothalletsoa likotoana tsa 2 ~ 7;Likotoana tse 8 ~ 15 li khothaletsoa hore li be le lisebelisoa tsa 90W;130W e khothalletsoa likotoana tse 20-30.

Likarolo tsa Sehlahisoa

1. Koba le moea ka bolokolohi ho ea ka litlhoko tsa heater, 'me mosebetsi oa sebaka o monyenyane

2. Ho kenngoa ha bonolo le ka potlako

3. 'Mele o futhumatsang o koahetsoe ke silicone insulator, e bonolo ebile e le mongobo ka ho feletseng.

4. E ka etsoa ho latela bolelele ba eona bo hlokahalang

5. Qetellong serame

1 (1)

Lihlahisoa tse Amanang

Karolo ea Heater ea Defrost

Oven Heating Element

Fin Heating Element

Aluminium Foil Heater

Mofuthu oa ho futhumatsa mohala

Aluminium Tube Heater

Mokhoa oa Tlhahiso

1 (2)

Pele re botsa, pls re romelle lintlha tse ka tlase:

1. Ho re romella setšoantšo kapa setšoantšo sa sebele;
2. Boholo ba heater, matla le voltage;
3. Litlhoko leha e le life tse khethehileng tsa hitara.

Mabitso: Amiee Zhang


Wechat: +86 15268490327

WhatsApp: +86 15268490327

Skype: amiee19940314


  • E fetileng:
  • E 'ngoe:

  • Lihlahisoa tse Amanang